
Is it time to fix your webpage?

Is it time to fix your webpage? Every business should have a website today. When clients look for information and their choice of product they use google. It is there that you should be reachable with information about your product and location. Your webpage has to be updated, filled with information and most of all mobile friendly. Your webpage is your business’ home You will need a working webpage that speaks to your client, that is informative and that has a focus on your business’ product and your target group’s needs. The most important part is to focus on how you make it clear to your client why your product is just the right thing for them. I make websites with WordPress. You can also attach a webshop to your website. WordPress is affordable, mobile friendly and easy to use. When your site is published I will teach you how you update your content in your website yourself. Of course I will also help you in the future with updates and changes to your site. DO YOU ALREADY HAVE A WEBSITE – but it is outdated and you need help fixing it? Then I recommend that you contact me and I’ll give you an offer and a description on how I can help you. Asking for an offer won’t cost you anything!


Below are some examples of websites that I’ve made

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