
Lectures, courses and workshops

I share tools and  usefullness  of the subject which I lecture about. I share my experiences, my knowledge and tips. I answer questions and see to it that nobody goes home without having their questions answered.


Marketing and Social Media. Build your visibility strategy for a year ahead.

 Practical workshop in social media. How to start accounts on social media, downloading apps and making posts.

 The art of dealing with criticism. Get the tools you need to not take critique personally.

 Inspirational lectures for entrepreneurs. Why should you focus on your visibility?

 Build a trust to your customers through the focus on feelings and needs

 Are you a new entrepreneur? How can you invest in your marketing right?

 Visual marketing. What common thread should you follow in your marketing?


DIGITAL MARKETING. A course for entrepreneurs, 33 lessons at Korsholm’s Adult Institute. Co-teacher Tom Lillas.

 Marketing – simple, practical and fun. Four series of lectures for new business owners

 Plan your business year. Lectures for craftsmen in Turku, Nyland, Åland and Ostrobothnia.

 Digital marketing. For established entrepreneurs.

 Social Media Day for free education, Korsholm’s Adult Institute

 Social media workshop for free education

 How do you meet criticism? Lecture for high school students at Korsholm High School



Do you need more information when it comes to creating visibility on social media?

 The thing with digital marketing and social media is a tricky nut to crack 

What works today? What can you write, what can’t you write? Where should you be and how are you going forward?

– Yes, the questions are endless and there are no exact answers. Because everything depends on what you want and can do.

 But I’m happy to help you with your visibility. But I can not do it FOR you, it is you who’s going to work. I will give you theoretical knowledge, support you and answer your questions. You will also get feedback from me and advice on how you could think differently.

 This is how it works. You send me your contact details – email. mail to: maria@celma.fi

 I will send you theoretical parts including questions that you will answer. I provide feedback and advice on the basis of your answers.

 We work at your pace, but no more than three months.You pay 75 € / month during the course (3 months) + VAT 24%.

To lecture is one of the best assignments that can be hired to do. I went through countless courses and lectures, until one day I realized that I had as much (if not more) knowledge than the lecturer I was just listening to. So, I decided to venture out and offer my own lectures. And it succeeded. I was hired and received good feedback. 

 I share  tools and the usefullness of the subject which I lecture about. I share my experiences, my knowledge and tips. I answer questions and see to it that nobody goes home without having their questions answered.

I currently run two companies and collaborate with other entrepreneurs. I have several years of business experience and B2C and B2B services.  My education is Bachelor of business administration,  in marketing and international business and I have read several marketing courses at Hanken and Åbo Academy. My latest education gave me a specialization degree in business management. I also have a professional degree in the advertising industry and studied the company’s visual communication” , ongoing NLP Master and NLP Practitioner and NVC. My first vocational education was in the field of medical care.

 I adapt the content to the target audience – because all business owners, associations or organizations have different issues regarding to the topic of marketing and visibility.

 So if you need someone who likes to talk and share experiences- get in touch with me immediately. (info@celma.fi or call me +358 50 5555226)

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